
Why Are My Muscles Tight?

It’s not uncommon to experience muscle tightness in the day or two following a good workout. But even spending the day flopped on the sofa or at your desk can lead to tight muscles. So what’s going on? Here’s why your muscles are tight. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) The pain and stiffness you feel in […]


How Intense Should Workouts Really Be?

The idea that every workout should be extreme or punishing is pervasive, and aggressive marketing campaigns from fitness companies and gyms are largely to blame. But how intense should workouts really be? That really depends on your personal health and fitness goals. The Science on Workout Intensity At Framework Personal Training in Reno, we specialize […]


The Best Reason to Hire a Personal Trainer Isn’t Accountability

Accountability is a huge selling point for deciding to hire a personal trainer – we’ve written about it several times here on the Framework blog. And it’s true that you’re more likely to stick to your workout routine when you have someone waiting on you to show up. But you can find accountability and even […]

Three Reasons an App Can’t Replace Your Personal Trainer

Much is being discussed about the impact of the coronavirus on life as we know it. From working remotely to online school to fitness at home, it’s true that things have shifted. But despite articles positing whether gyms are obsolete, the truth is that a personal trainer offers advantages that hand-held technology does not. Here […]


Six Steps for Getting Back to the Gym After COVID-19 Closures

Framework Personal Training, like other Reno gyms and fitness centers, got the green light to open its doors late last week. And while we couldn’t be more excited to welcome our clients back to the gym — with new safety protocols in safe, of course — it’s worth easing in slowly. There are the pandemic […]

The Single Most Effective Way to Manage Anxiety During Self Isolation

Self isolation is a challenging experience. The uncertainty we’re all facing in terms of the virus itself and the economic fallout creates anxiety, stress, worry, and fear, emotions that can torpedo our quality of life. The good news is that these feelings can be managed in constructive ways. According to the World Health Organization, the […]


Exercising Safely Outside During Self Quarantine

We’ve had typical spring weather here in northern Nevada, but it’s finally warming up enough to enjoy the outdoors. With gyms still closed under Governor Sisolak’s directive, and self quarantining remaining the new normal, getting outside is a good way to get some exercise and change up your surroundings. Just make sure you’re exercising safely […]

The Importance of Exercise During Self-Isolation

With much of the United States currently self-isolating to flatten the curve and limit the spread of Covid-19, we’re all adjusting a a new normal. If making time for fitness was an issue, that’s probably no longer the case. Instead, it’s figuring out how to summon the motivation to make a plan for a home-based workout – […]

Learn the 5 Basic Principles of Fitness

There are five principles of physical fitness, and understanding them takes out much of the guesswork of improving fitness. The principles are varied yet specific, covering what happens when we train and when we stop. Overload Principle This principle states that the body adapts to the workload. In other words, the more you do, the more […]


What’s More Important – Weights or Cardio?

It’s a common question in the fitness world, particularly when you’re dealing with people who are trying to “get fit.” What’s more important – weights or cardio? The answer depends entirely on your personal fitness goals. If you’re trying to lose weight and “tone up,” then weight lifting is a more efficient way of making […]