

How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight?

Instant gratification is a common ailment in our modern times. We want what we want when we want it, which is why fitness is a billion-dollar industry – there’s always a new pill or shake or tea that promises instant results. It’s nonsense, of course, and yet it persists. The truth is that nothing happens overnight, […]

The Truth about Elongating Muscles

The idea of “elongating” your muscles is baked into certain fitness fads. It’s nonsense – no matter how many low-intensity reps you do, you can’t actually make your muscles any longer. Muscle length is predetermined by genetics, and related to where your muscles attach to your bones. But while elongating muscles may be impossible, increasing elasticity is […]


Got 15 Minutes? Here’s Why A Light Jog is Worth It.

Spending fifteen minutes scrolling though your phone and sipping a coffee may seem like a good way to take a break, but a recent study is proving otherwise. A quick, easy jog in that same timeframe will boost your energy levels far more effectively, with a few other happy benefits. Here’s why a light jog is worth […]


3 Signs That You’d Benefit from a Personal Trainer

While personal trainers used to be reserved for Hollywood stars getting in seriously good shape for a movie role, the industry has come a long way. Today, there are personal trainers catering to people at all stages of fitness. Here in Reno, Framework Personal Training has been offering effective, personalized training at our private studio […]


Do I Need to Exercise if I’m at my Ideal Weight?

For many people, exercise is about looking a certain way or reaching some desirable number on a scale. Of course, there’s so much more to fitness than a socially acceptable aesthetic or a number. It’s important to remember the many benefits of exercise beyond how you look or how much you weigh. The truth is, […]


Are You Making these Fitness Mistakes?

If you’re making time for fitness a few times a week, watching your diet, getting enough sleep, and drinking your water, it can be frustrating when you don’t see the progress you’re hoping for. But it’s surprisingly easy to undermine yourself with bad habits that you don’t actually realize are so troublesome. It’s wonderful to […]

Here’s What Not Exercising is Really Doing to Us

We all know that fitness is important. But how bad, really, are our sedentary lifestyles? The journal  JAMA Network published the findings of a recent study that tells us in no uncertain terms – and it isn’t pretty. According to the study, leading a sedentary lifestyle is probably worse for your health than a smoking habit and actually on par with having a serious […]

The Key to Managing Stress in 2019

Here’s a stark statistic – seven out of ten American adults admit to experiencing stress or anxiety every single day, and most of them think it interferes with their lives. But there is good news. While some degree of stress may be inevitable, it’s also manageable. And while there are many techniques for coping, it’s […]


Our Sedentary Lifestyles are Killing Us – But There’s a Cure

A study recently published in the journal JAMA Network had some startling findings about what not exercising is really doing to us. According to the study conclusions, leading a sedentary lifestyle is likely worse for your health than a smoking habit. What’s more, that kind of exercise-free existence is akin to having a serious disease. The good news? Exercise […]


Should I Join a Gym or Hire a Personal Trainer?

With Thanksgiving a few weeks away and the holiday season just around the corner, many people push any thought of nutrition and fitness well into the New Year. After all, “getting fit” and “losing weight” are among the most common New Year’s resolutions. But if that applies to you, have you considered how best to […]