
Finding the Right Personal Trainer for Seniors in Reno

Senior citizens are increasingly managing their health with exercise, and in Reno, Framework Personal Training is helping. Our certified personal trainers offer strength training for seniors so they can enjoy the many benefits of consistent activity. Research is clear on the range of physical and mental health benefits of exercise, and for seniors in particular, the […]


How Intense Should Workouts Really Be?

The idea that every workout should be extreme or punishing is pervasive, and aggressive marketing campaigns from fitness companies and gyms are largely to blame. But how intense should workouts really be? That really depends on your personal health and fitness goals. The Science on Workout Intensity At Framework Personal Training in Reno, we specialize […]


The Benefit of Sticking to Your Fitness Plan Over the Holidays – Even During a Pandemic

The global pandemic is still turning the world upside down, even right here in Reno, Nevada. And with the added uncertainty and stress of the upcoming holiday season, it might be tempting to abandon your commitment to fitness. We understand the motivation, but maintaining your health is more important than ever. Here’s the benefit of consistent […]

During the Pandemic, Weight Gain is Up and Fitness is Down

It’s been a whirlwind year, and a recent survey highlights the physical and mental toll it’s having on many Americans. During the pandemic, weight gain is up and fitness is down. But there is a bright side. The Study The survey was commissioned by a sports nutrition company called Optimum Nutrition. From the study: 62% of […]


A Personal Training Team that Specializes in Senior Fitness

Personal training for seniors isn’t “fitness lite.” It means training that’s designed for the needs and limitations commonly associated with age — joint issues, joint safety, limited flexibility, poor balance, and low strength and endurance. At Framework Personal Training in Reno, our trainers specialize in personal training for seniors who want to reap the benefits […]


Three Perks of Lifting Weights — At Any Age

One of the best things about taking charge of your own health and wellness is that it’s really never too late to get started. In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine calls strength training the most important thing older adults can do and recommends it as a priority over aerobic exercise. Read more about […]


Framework Personal Training Reopens Friday, May 29

Great news! Framework Personal Training is re-opening to clients for personal training beginning this Friday, May 29. With the COVID-19 outbreak still present in our community, we want you to know that we’ll be following guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our clients and trainers. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Safety Protocols We intend […]

The Single Most Effective Way to Manage Anxiety During Self Isolation

Self isolation is a challenging experience. The uncertainty we’re all facing in terms of the virus itself and the economic fallout creates anxiety, stress, worry, and fear, emotions that can torpedo our quality of life. The good news is that these feelings can be managed in constructive ways. According to the World Health Organization, the […]

3 Reasons Fitness Matters During the Pandemic

Gyms here in northern Nevada — along with many city and state parks and other public places — remain closed in light of the global pandemic. And while it can be a struggle to commit to motivating yourself to exercise, the importance of movement during this challenging time cannot be overstated. It’s not about maintaining […]

Yes, Exercise Boosts the Immune System

We call it the “new normal,” this uneasy reality of shuttered businesses and shelter-in-place orders. But as the COVID-19 pandemic continues its toll around the country and the world, we adapt and we prepare. If boosting your immune system is part of your coping strategy, exercise should be on your list. It’s one of three […]