
Three Reasons to Start Lifting Weights Today

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you need a base level of fitness to begin weight lifting, or that it’s too challenging at your age. Regular strength training builds more than just muscle. It strengthens your bones, improves your balance, helps you enjoy better sleep, and makes you feel better. And those benefits apply across the board, no matter your age or current fitness level. It’s truly never too late to begin weight lifting, and the sooner you get started, the better. Here are three reasons to start weight lifting today.

Lifting Weights Helps You Lose Weight (And Keep It Off)

If you’ve struggled to lose weight and maintain that weight loss, you know what a challenge it can be. But the combination of a healthy, varied diet and strength training can help you keep that weight off. That’s because it helps increase your metabolism, which burns more calories. And that’s not limited to what you’re burning during your workout, either. Unlike cardio, when you burn calories while you’re working, that calorie burn continues for a few hours after your weight lifting session. Having more muscle on your frame also makes your body more efficient at burning calories in general.

Lifting Weights Helps Protect Bone & Muscle

After reaching puberty, both men and women begin losing about one percent of their bone and muscle strength per year. Bone density and bone strength are tied to independence in older adults, and strength training can actually reverse this loss. That minimizes your risk of injuries later in life. Strength training increases bone strength and improves muscle mass and connective tissue strength, all of which improve balance and flexibility.

Strength Training Helps Prevent Against Disease

Research links strength training to improved wellness beyond physical strength. It’s been shown to be as effective as medication in treating arthritis pain. It also improves bone density, reducing the risk of fractures, and it can also improve glucose control for the millions of Americans living with type 2 diabetes.

Getting Started

While you may be interested in weight lifting so you can enjoy all of these physical and mental health benefits, the biggest hurdle for many of us is just getting started. That’s why it’s a good idea to consider working with a personal trainer. The trainers here at Framework Personal Training in Reno specialize in fitness over forty, and they’ll create a strength training program just for you. A personalized plan will account for your current fitness level and abilities, and you’ll be surprised at the improvements and changes you begin noticing. Consult with your doctor first, and then schedule a free consultation so you can learn more about strength training here at Framework Personal Training with our experienced and certified personal trainers.

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