
Two Ways to Make Your Workout Routine Stick

Sticking to a consistent fitness routine can be hard for us all. Sometimes it’s an illness or an injury that gets in our way, or maybe we’re just lacking motivation. Sometimes, it’s a scheduling conflict and there’s just no way to squeeze in that workout. But regardless of why you aren’t consistently training, there are two ways to make your workout routine stick. You just need a little change in perspective.

1. Consider your workouts a second job.

And then treat them that way. You wouldn’t go to work on Monday and give it your all, then skip a few days before leaving early on Friday, would you? But it’s probable that you’ve done exactly that with your workout routine. Try applying the same behavior that brings you success in other aspects of your life to your health goals. Don’t “try” – just do it.

Ask yourself this – if you treated your job the same way you treat your fitness goals, would you still have a job? Probably not, given your poor performance and habit of just not showing up! We all know that work isn’t always what you want to be doing, but it’s our job – we show up and we do our best. So apply that logic to your fitness plan too. By treating your workouts like your job, you’ll reduce the likelihood that you’ll blow them off. After all, you’d be putting a very important project at risk – your health. If you fail to maintain that project, it will have long-term consequences.

Best practice: Schedule your workouts into your calendar just as you would work, special projects and appointments. Make them a priority and then follow through.

2. Be clear about motivation.

Motivation is a tricky thing, especially when it comes to health and fitness goals. It’s important to remember that motivation is just an emotion. Just like it’s impossible to be happy or sad or angry 24 hours a day, you can’t be motivated around the clock. When motivation wanes, it’s important that you have good habits to fall back on.

A habit is typically made up of three parts:

  • The cue, which sets your habit in motion.
  • The routine, or the steps you take after the cue.
  • The reward, or the reason for your habit.

When you understand these three parts, you can be mindful about changing bad habits – the ones that produce missed workouts – and nurturing good habits. When you develop good habits about health and fitness, and pair them with building your workouts into your schedule, consistency becomes that much easier.

Best practice: Consider hiring with a personal trainer for a structured approach to developing good habits and learning to schedule fitness. You’ll also enjoy the benefit of your trainer’s experience and expertise. If you’re considering working with a personal trainer, we’re excited to answer your questions.

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