
10 Benefits of Regular Exercise – And Why Any Movement Likely Counts

It’s no secret that exercise has physical and mental health benefits. And while there are various recommendations for how long and how hard we should be training, the truth is that any amount of exercise will likely product benefits — even if it falls well below suggested amounts. Here are 10 benefits of regular exercise, and why any movement […]

The Metabolic Advantages of Moderate Exercise

There are a lot of advantages to high-intensity interval training, and moderate, steady-state exercise is often viewed as less effective. But a new study published in Medicine & Science highlights why any movement is beneficial, plus the metabolic advantage of moderate exercise in particular. From the Study Exercise scientists at the University of Guelph in […]

Five Realistic Resolutions for Improving Health and Fitness in 2021

Around this time of year, many of us start setting ambitious goals for the next twelve months, and many of them relate to health and fitness. These goals are admirable, but in many cases, completely unrealistic. Resolutions like fitting into a certain pair of jeans by summer, or getting up every morning at 5 am for […]

Study Links Exercise to Boosted Immune Response

In August, an article in the New York Times covered two studies of exercise and vaccinations with particularly timely findings. If you’re active, you may enjoy greater immunity from a flu shot than those aren’t as active. As vaccines for Covid-19 become available here in northern Nevada, it’s worth learning a little more about the […]

3 Kinds of Exercise to Boost the Immune System

A healthy immune system is important all the time, but some people are paying more attention to protecting theirs these days. It makes sense, and it’s easier than you think. Exercise has been proven to boost the immune system, helping it more efficiently target harmful pathogens. As we get older, the importance of exercise only […]

Three Obstacles to Fitness – And How to Manage Them

You may have good intentions to get regular exercise, but it’s not always easy to turn intention into action. Life happens, and for many people, exercise is the first thing to slip. But fitness is so important to your health and well-being. It should be prioritized as much as possible. Here are three common obstacles […]

Prioritizing Fitness During the Pandemic

The pandemic continues to drag on, with the country taking steps forward and back as we adjust to the new normal. It’s a tempting time to slack on fitness, but that’s a mistake. And we aren’t just saying that! The physical and mental benefits that come with regular exercise have never been more important than […]

The Real Secret to Anti-Aging

In non-coronavirus news, a study published in Neurology this week shared the real secret to anti-aging efforts – aerobic exercise. The best part? Even established couch potatoes can enjoy the brain benefits of cardiovascular workouts, which improves the thinking and memory abilities of older adults. The Benefit of Getting Your Blood Pumping Aerobic exercise improves […]

Yes, Exercise Boosts the Immune System

We call it the “new normal,” this uneasy reality of shuttered businesses and shelter-in-place orders. But as the COVID-19 pandemic continues its toll around the country and the world, we adapt and we prepare. If boosting your immune system is part of your coping strategy, exercise should be on your list. It’s one of three […]

The Cognitive Benefits of Exercise

Declining cognitive function is a hallmark of aging, but does it have to be that way? Not necessarily, according to research linking improved mental health and memory to an active lifestyle. You’re likely already familiar with the physical benefits of mindful movement, but you may be surprised by the cognitive benefits of exercise.  The Research The American […]