

What’s More Effective – Standing or Floor Abdominal Work?

A strong core is important, no matter your age, but chances are good you do most of your ab work on the floor. For most people, some variation of crunches and planks are the standard ab exercises. When you do them properly, you’ll absolutely engage your abdominal muscles to build a strong core. But a little […]


How Much Exercise Do We Need for a Longer Life?

Most of the people we see here at Framework Personal Training in Reno are interested in improving their health and fitness to enjoy a better, longer life. But if the goal is a longer, healthier life, how much exercise is really necessary? Two studies have come up with an answer to the question, how much exercise do […]


What Working with a Personal Trainer Really Gets You

There are many, many great reasons to hire a personal trainer. You’ll hear that the accountability factor is the biggest benefit. But if all you need is someone who expects you to show up, you can find that for free with a training buddy. Here’s what working with a personal trainer really gets you.  An Investment […]


The Benefit of Indoor Fitness Over Outdoor Exercise

Wildfires have been raging in California this summer, and the smoke from those fires has choked northern Nevada for weeks on end. It highlights a benefit of indoor fitness over outdoor exercise that’s often low on the list—filtered air and temperature regulation. Here’s why that makes a difference. A Regulated Indoor Environment We’re written before […]


3 Signs You’ll Benefit from a Personal Trainer

Once upon a time, personal trainers offered a service for only the fortunate few. But like many things, the industry has evolved, and today, more people than ever can benefit from the expertise of a certified personal trainer. If you’re wondering whether that includes you, the answer is yes. And if you’re wondering whether you […]


The Best Exercises for Seniors

It’s well established that fitness is important for us, regardless of age. But evidence is increasingly pointing to the importance of regular exercise for seniors. If you’re wondering how to get started, we’re sharing the health benefits of exercise and the best exercises for seniors. Health Benefits of Exercise for Seniors While appearance can be […]


Three Reasons to Start Lifting Weights Today

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you need a base level of fitness to begin weight lifting, or that it’s too challenging at your age. Regular strength training builds more than just muscle. It strengthens your bones, improves your balance, helps you enjoy better sleep, and makes you feel better. And those benefits apply […]


Finding a Personal Trainer in Reno

Big franchises, local gyms, specialty fitness – Reno has a lot of options for fitness. To someone interested in committing to some kind of fitness plan, it can be a little overwhelming. Where should they get started? Will a $10 gym membership keep them committed? Should they shell out hundreds for a ten-week fitness boot […]


The Science of Workout Intensity

Not every workout needs to be extreme or punishing, despite marketing campaigns from fitness philosophies suggesting otherwise. Actually, your workout intensity is completely dependent on your personal health and fitness goals. Here’s what to understand about the science of workout intensity. First, Identify Your Goals Just like goals in life, goals in the gym are […]


Here’s How You Know a Personal Trainer is a Good Idea

Whether you’re currently working out or would like to get started, you might have considered a personal trainer. And if you haven’t already found one, it’s probably because you’re wondering whether it’s really worth the investment. Here’s how you know a personal trainer, like the professionals at Framework Personal Training in Reno, is a good idea. You Don’t […]