Six Steps to Seeing those New Year’s Resolutions Through

It’s probably no surprise, but one of the most common New Year’s resolutions is related to improving personal fitness. Blame it on all of that holiday merrymaking! Just as unsurprising? While gym memberships spike in January, attendance drops to typical levels as early as February. If better health and fitness is on your list this […]


Three Tips for Enjoying the Holidays Without Going Off the Rails

If there’s ever a time of year when many of us give up and give in – to the food, the drinks, the season as a whole – it’s December. After all, with a shiny new year just around the corner, we see this as a time for indulging, which all too often becomes overindulging. If fitness […]

Can You Climb Four Flights of Stairs Quickly?

While the future is full of surprises, findings from a new study are linking the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer to performance on a certain exercise test. There’s good news for those of you who can quickly climb four flights of stairs, but those who can’t may want to re-evaluate their health and fitness […]


5 Reasons Strength Training Should Be Everyone’s New Year’s Resolution

We’re into December now, and the New Year – and its resolutions – isn’t far off. Whether or not you’re the type to make “new year, new you” commitments of any kind, a strength-training related resolution is always a good idea. There are so many benefits to this form of exercise, and they aren’t limited […]