

Three Reasons a Strong Core Matters

Having a strong core is a goal to a lot of people, but often the appeal is pure aesthetics. That’s fine, but there are so many benefits to a strong core that go well beyond how it looks. It’s not just about six-pack abs – the core includes muscles in the pelvis, low back and hips, too. […]


5 Benefits of Strong Cores for People of All Ages

A rippling core is often a sign of peak physical fitness. But the benefits of a strong core go far beyond mere aesthetics. Building strength and stability in our midsection is important for everyone – seniors included. Here are five benefits of strong cores for people of all ages. Defining the Core When we talk about […]


Stand Up for Abdominal Work

If you’re like most people, you perform most of your abdominal work lying on the floor or a bench or an exercise ball. But there might be a more functional way to build a strong core.