
Is Walking Good Enough for Fitness?

There are benefits to walking, whether you shoot for 10,000 steps a day or not. Unfortunately, if that’s all you’re doing, you aren’t strengthening your muscles or bones. As you get older, the importance of that oversight will become clear. Walking is important, but it’s not enough.

The Minimum

Experts recommend at least two sessions of strength and balance exercises every week. Strength training exercises include weights, bands, or body weight resistance. It’s estimated that just one in three men and one in four women meet this standard. Neglecting resistance training leads to poor muscle strength, which can increase risks of falls by more than 75%. But the benefits of resistance training aren’t just preventative. Exercise has been shown to improve mood, energy, sleep, and self-confidence.

For many, the challenge is merely getting started. Weight training may be intimidating to people who aren’t familiar with gyms. And that’s where a certified, experienced personal trainer can make all the difference. Here at Framework Personal Training in Reno, we specialize in fitness over 40. Our trainers can work with you to create a personalized fitness plan that’s suitable to your current abilities and overall health goals. You’ll learn proper technique and enjoy the benefits of accountability. Plus, our trainers will be able to customize your fitness plan so that evolves with you over time.

A Better Approach

Walking for fitness is a good start. But adding weight resistance is the best way to ensure you stay strong and functional as you age. It’s never too late to start, and we can help. Contact Framework Personal Training today.

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