
This is the Key to Success in Fitness

When it comes to fitness, success is directly linked to consistency. Even a random, poorly-designed fitness program, followed consistently, will yield results. Here’s the problem with sporadic workouts, and why consistency really is the key to success in fitness.

Gradual Improvement

Feeling motivated to train can get you into the gym or on the trail for an intense workout. But diving straight into a challenging workout can have its drawbacks, leaving you too sore to train again for a week. Long, overly-intense workouts can also open you to the possibility of stress fractures or tendon and muscles strains, especially if you have poor technique. A consistent approach to training, on the other hand, helps you gradually build your strength, endurance, and flexibility. This slow but steady method allows your muscles, ligaments, and tendons time to adjust to increasing demands and challenges of your workouts. Again, the key is consistency, which allows for slow improvement over time instead of strenuous, sporadic workouts that don’t accomplish much in the long run.

Better for the Body and the Mind

Consistency in your workouts can also help reduce stress and improve your overall sense of well-being. When you train, your body releases endorphins, the feel-good hormone that elevates the mood. When days or weeks pass without mindful exercise, energy levels can plummet and your mood can sour. Following a fitness plan keeps your muscles developing while helping reduce stress levels and boosting mood.

The Takeaway

The hardest part of fitness is often sticking to the plan. That’s where a personal trainer may help. If accountability and consistency are problematic for you, the right personal trainer can help you develop those traits in your workouts. You’ll also enjoy the many benefits that are directly tied to your trainer’s experience and expertise. In Reno, the certified trainers at Framework Personal Training can develop a personalized plan that will move you closer to your health and fitness goals in a steady, realistic timeline. Contact us today, and let’s get you started on a consistent workout plan that will pay off in spades.

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