

Two Tips For Sticking To Your Fitness Plan

Sticking to a consistent routine inevitably becomes difficult. Maybe you get sick or injured. Maybe it’s work or family responsibilities. Maybe you just can’t rally the enthusiasm. Whatever the reason, there are tricks that can help you push through. Today, the certified personal trainers here at Framework Personal Training in Reno are sharing two tips […]


4 Reasons To Add Strength Training To Your 2024 Fitness Plan

Feeling inspired to start or re-commit to fitness in pursuit of greater health this year? It’s a noble goal, and there are a lot of ways to make it happen. But regardless of whether your approach to fitness involves 10,000 steps a day or a few games of pickleball every week, we hope you’ll consider […]


A 10-Second Balance Test As a Predictor of Longevity

Think about all the times in your day when you balance on one leg, without thinking much of it: getting in and out of the car, going up and down the stairs, and so on. Interestingly, there seems to be a link between ability to balance and expected longevity. It highlights why improving your balance […]


The 4 Types of Fitness Seniors Need

It’s pretty typical for people to focus entirely on a single form of fitness, like 10,000 steps a day. But there are actually four types of exercise, and it’s important to prioritize all of them for the most balanced approach to fitness. Not only do they offer their own unique benefits, they also improve your ability […]


Why Seniors Should Lift Weights — And Where to Start in Reno

If you’ve never lifted weights before, the idea of getting started in your golden years may seem laughable. Your hips are bad, you don’t know where to begin, what about your back? Those are all valid concerns, and yet the American College of Sports Medicine recommends weight lifting for seniors over the age of 50, noting that […]


This Kind of Exercise Could Improve Lifespan

Resistance or strength training has a laundry list of benefits, but two new benefits have recently been confirmed — along with how much time you need to spend exercising for the greatest health impact. New research confirms that strength training can help prevent disease and improve lifespan. Here’s what the research says and the best […]


Why Seniors Over 65 Should be Lifting Weights

The idea of your grandparents lifting weights may be humorous, but the benefits can’t be denied. Resistance training is important at any age, but particularly so for seniors. In fact, seniors over the age of 65 should be lifting weights to benefit both their body and mind. Here’s why. Lifting Weights to Benefit the Body […]


Three Reasons to Start Lifting Weights Today

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you need a base level of fitness to begin weight lifting, or that it’s too challenging at your age. Regular strength training builds more than just muscle. It strengthens your bones, improves your balance, helps you enjoy better sleep, and makes you feel better. And those benefits apply […]

Why Are My Muscles Tight?

It’s not uncommon to experience muscle tightness in the day or two following a good workout. But even spending the day flopped on the sofa or at your desk can lead to tight muscles. So what’s going on? Here’s why your muscles are tight. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) The pain and stiffness you feel in […]


Here’s Why Seniors Should Lift Weights

Lifting weights offers a number of benefits, and that’s true even (and especially) for people over the age of 65. But the perks aren’t limited to a stronger physique – the mental advantages of consistent weight training are equally important. Here’s why seniors should lift weights. Physical Benefits It’s a medical fact that muscle tone […]