
Is a Private Gym a Good Option for You?

Many gyms are private. You get access when you buy a membership, which means you’re free to work out during business hours. Framework Personal Training on Lakeside Drive in Reno is a private gym, but it’s different than many in town. It’s not open to general membership. Instead, it’s a by-appointment studio open to people […]

Should Seniors Care about Target Heart Rate During Fitness?

You’ve likely heard the term target heart rate when it comes to fitness. But what does it mean, and is it of any value to the senior population? More specifically, should seniors care about target heart rate during fitness? Here’s what to understand. Target Heart Rate The most practical formula for finding one’s heart rate […]


Bad Exercise Technique Is About More Than Injury Risk

On its surface, the concept of improper exercise technique seems clear. When you don’t know the right way to perform an exercise, you’re putting yourself at risk of injury. And while that’s true, it’s only part of the issue. Because bad exercise technique is about more than injury risk. A Constant Battle You may not be […]


The Best Reason to Hire a Personal Trainer Isn’t Accountability

Accountability is a huge selling point for deciding to hire a personal trainer – we’ve written about it several times here on the Framework blog. And it’s true that you’re more likely to stick to your workout routine when you have someone waiting on you to show up. But you can find accountability and even […]

The Downside to Health & Fitness Tech

We wrote a few weeks ago about our perspective that an app can’t replace a good personal trainer. Now, a Danish study is offering on more reason to tread lightly with health and fitness technology. There’s a lot to be said for wearable tech, but they have their drawbacks, too. According to the study, one downside […]


Three Reasons a Strong Core Matters

Having a strong core is a goal to a lot of people, but often the appeal is pure aesthetics. That’s fine, but there are so many benefits to a strong core that go well beyond how it looks. It’s not just about six-pack abs – the core includes muscles in the pelvis, low back and hips, too. […]

Here’s Why Everyone Should be Stretching Regularly

We spend a lot of time discussing the benefits of physical fitness for our health, and stretching is part of it. It’s about more than flexibility. Consistent stretching can help improve posture, reduce stress and body aches, increase range of motion, and much more. Here’s why everyone should be stretching regularly. Eight Benefits of Stretching Maintains […]

Three Reasons an App Can’t Replace Your Personal Trainer

Much is being discussed about the impact of the coronavirus on life as we know it. From working remotely to online school to fitness at home, it’s true that things have shifted. But despite articles positing whether gyms are obsolete, the truth is that a personal trainer offers advantages that hand-held technology does not. Here […]

Prioritizing Fitness During the Pandemic

The pandemic continues to drag on, with the country taking steps forward and back as we adjust to the new normal. It’s a tempting time to slack on fitness, but that’s a mistake. And we aren’t just saying that! The physical and mental benefits that come with regular exercise have never been more important than […]


How Much Exercise Does a Senior Need to Stay Healthy?

Framework Personal Training, a private gym on Lakeside Drive in Reno, understands the many benefits of fitness, particularly for older adults. In fact, we specialize in senior fitness, which means we create personalized workout programs designed to improve our clients’ health while accommodating for any existing conditions or limitations. A common question relates to frequency – how much […]