
Accountability and the Personal Trainer

What if we told you that there’s a simple way to reach your fitness goals faster? It’s not a shake or a pill, and it’s not a quick fix – but it is simple. The best way to reach your goal is with an accountability partner, and the best kind of accountability partner tends to be […]


Here’s How Weight Training Changes After 40

It’s actually on your 30th birthday when things change. That’s when your body starts losing muscle mass, and it can vary between 3 and 5 percent every ten years if you aren’t working to maintain it. Weight training changes after 40, but this is what you can do about it. The Loss of Muscle Mass It’s […]


You Need a Postural Analysis. Here’s Why

Whether you’re already working out or you’re ready to start, there’s something you need to do. It’s an assessment that shows how well your joints and muscles are working together while revealing any imbalances. It’s called a postural analysis, and here’s why you need it. What is a Postural Analysis? At Framework Personal Trainer, our certified trainers […]


The Importance of Building Muscle as we Age

If flexing in front of the mirror or improving your push-up technique doesn’t matter to you, you may logically assume that lifting weights isn’t important. After all, why do you need to build muscle at your age? You may be surprised, but building muscle is even more important during later stages in life. Today, we’re looking at […]